Sunday, January 29, 2012

cute picture

i just had to post this cute picture of bron, maddie, and me because i thought it was cute :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Cool Crafts and an AWESOME present!!!

Happy Wednesday y'all! I've fiund a site with a TON of SUPER cute, SUPER cheap crafts and I'm gonna post some of them. Not all at once. I guess I'm borrowing cuz I'm kinda craft idea deprived right now haha :)

Petite Bow Headbands

(get this- ya only need a headband, hot glue and some of this ribbon!)

1. Get your headband and squeeze a line of hot glue over the ouside. Stick the fuzzy velveteen ribbon( whoa... i almost typed rabbit there) on it, but leave a half inch hanging off the edge. Put some hot glue up it and fold it over. (it just makes it look nicer :) )

2.Make this bow;
3. Put hot glue on the side that has the cut part of the ribbon showing, and stick it on the ribbon-covered headband.

Instant V-day headbands! Cheap too!

Now you're wondering about the "awesome present" part..

Christmas morning, I was going through my stuff..
AN AWESOME CRAFT ORGANIZER!!! (more on that later)

craft drum roll please...( this is the part were at least 2 people say "glueglueglueglueglueglue as fast as they cam wile pounding the table.)



okay okay, there wasn't a value on it, but who cares? Monies are monies!!!

So some time this week my mom's gonna take me over. And also to another store for some necklaces. :D

~Mad Crafts

P.S. PLEEEASE check out my blog!!!

Click Follow! Check often! I will update frequently!!! Send adress to all your friends...!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Pom Poms

This craft is from craftaholics anonymous.

You will need old T-Shirts. (makes about 2 medium sized pom poms) Cut them into thin strips from the shirt armpit to the bottom. Get cardboard and cut it into a circle. add a smaller circle inside and starting in the inside cut a wide V shape so that it doesn't make a full O, but it looks like a C if you turn it. Make 2 and put them on top of each other. Put one string on the inside around the circle and sandwhich it. Wrap the strips around the C overlapping. Go all the way around and back 3 times. Next is really hard so use sharp sewing scissors. Wrap the ends aroung each other twice like the beggining of tying a shoe and tape it to a hard surface. Next get the scissors and while holding it down with one hand (hold really tight) use the other hand with the scissors to cut the outside strings. I suggest cutting 1 layer at a time. Then grab the 2 strings and pull tight. (Not to tight because the shirt will rip:) take the cardboard off and fluff up the ball. The extra strip of shirt can be used to tie it to things like the rose wreath. If you have questions (and you might have a lot) post it on the comments!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Can anyone believe it's already almost FEBRUARY!! Here is a craft to use for Valentines:

OK so this craft is from craftaholics anonymous. (well the picture is)

First you will need one of those wicker wreath bases. Or if you are feeling crazy you can try and weave the roses together but I would not reccomend that. Next get a bunch of those plastic roses from like the dollar tree or something. Cut them apart so each one is just a stem and a rose bud. Then try weaving the stems underneath the branches in the base. You can also tie some pink, red or purple pom poms from my latter post to the wreath. HAPPY VALENTINES!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Letter wall hangings

this is a really easy way to make a cute wall hanging. you will need thin cardboard (i used a old eggo box), scissors, and paint. so you can use anything straight or just a ruler but trace draw out the letter either a first name initial or last name initial. i did an M. then cut it out. next you paint it so be creative and do it however you want. i got yellow, pink, purple, red, and orange. i kind of just layered them on top of each other. then i did a design on it with yellow and wallah! you have a pretty little wall hanging. The pics are at the top.